David Ackerly Professor, Integrative Biology University of California, Berkeley dackerly@berkeley.edu Website |
William Alverson Data/Lab Manager, Botany University of Wisconsin–Madison walverson@wisc.edu Website |
Bruce Baldwin Professor, Integrative Biology University of California, Berkeley Curator of Vascular Plants, Jepson Herbarium bbaldwin@berkeley.edu Website |
Anthony Baniaga Herbarium Curator, Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden University of California, Los Angeles anthony.baniaga@yale.edu
I am interested in the creative role of hybridization and polyploidy towards the generation and maintenance of plant diversity. My postdoc project was to work on understanding the evolutionary history of the Viburnum dentatum species complex in eastern North America, and how polyploidy has led to anatomical and physiological diversity in the group. I also maintain active research interests in Selaginella systematics, desiccation tolerance, genome size evolution, and conservation biology.
Belinda Chang Assistant Professor, Cell and Systems Biology University of Toronto belinda.chang@utoronto.ca Website |
Wendy Clement Assistant Professor, Biology The College of New Jersey clementw@tcnj.edu Website |
Deren Eaton Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology Columbia University de2356@columbia.edu Website
I am interested in why some clades of organisms contain more species than others, and within this context, I’m particularly interested in the long recognized relationship among flowering plants where families with more specialized pollination mechanisms tend to have more species. To understand this pattern I study how flower evolution affects rates of speciation, and reciprocally, how interactions among co-occurring species, especially within highly diverse clades, affects flower evolution.
Torsten Eriksson Database Developer, Biodiversity Informatics Swedish Museum of Natural History torsten.eriksson@bergianska.se |
Margaret Evans National Museum of Natural History (Paris, France) margaret.ekevans@gmail.com Website |
William Ned Friedman Director, Arnold Arboretum Arnold Professor, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Harvard University ned@oeb.harvard.edu Website |
Katherine Gould Mathews Associate Professor, Biology Western Carolina University kmathews@email.wcu.edu Website |
Francis Harrington fah1@cornell.edu |
David Hibbett Professor, Biology Clark University dhibbett@clarku.edu Website |
Dianella Howarth Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences howarth@stjohns.edu Website |
Larry Hufford Professor, School of Biological Sciences Washington State University hufford@wsu.edu Website |
Charlotte Jander Harvard University charlotte.jander@yale.edu
I am interested in the ecology and evolution of mutualisms. Among other things I study mechanisms that promote cooperation and prevent cheating in the mutualism between fig trees and their pollinating wasps.
Michael Landis Assistant Professor, Biology Washington University michael.landis@wustl.edu Website |
Andrew Leslie Assistant Professor, Geological Sciences Stanford University aleslieb@stanford.edu Website
I am interested in the relationships between form, function, and morphological evolution. My work focuses on seed plant reproductive structures and integrates data from the paleontological record, experiments in living analogues, and phylogenetic analyses in order to understand how the various functions that reproductive structures perform have driven patterns of morphological change. In addition, my work also includes several field-based paleobotany projects focusing on fossil floras from eastern North America, New Caledonia, and Mongolia.
Jianhua Li Associate Professor, Biology Hope College li@hope.edu Website |
Eugenia Lo University of California, Irvine eylo@uci.edu |
Henry Loconte Zen Gardens HenryLoconte@ZenGardens.com |
Sarah Mathews Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, Australian National University Sarah.Mathews@csiro.au Website |
Zack Murrell Associate Professor, Biology Appalachian State University murrellze@appstate.edu Website |
Matt Ogburn Assistant Professor of Biology, Department of Biology Southern Utah University rmogburn@gmail.com
I’m broadly interested in the evolution of plant morphology and function, especially in climatically extreme environments. I take a whole-plant perspective, applying data from ecophysiology, morphology, and niche-modelling approaches to try to understand how evolutionary change is integrated at the level of the organism. I’m particularly interested in the question of why some plant lineages show extensive morphological and ecological lability, while others seem to stick with the tried-and-true. My current project looks at trait evolution and community assembly in high-altitude environments of the Andes mountains.
William Piel Assistant Professor, Biology Yale-NUS College (Singapore) william.piel@yale-nus.edu.sg Website |
Tao Sang Professor, The State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany Institute of Botany--Chinese Academy of Sciences sang@ibcas.ac.cn |
Lisa Schultheis Instructor, Biological and Health Sciences Division Foothill College schultheislisa@foothill.edu Website |
David Tank Assistant Professor, Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences University of Idaho Director, Stillinger Herbarium dtank@uidaho.edu Website |
Campbell Webb Research Associate, Arnold Arboretum (Kalimantan, Borneo) Harvard University cwebb@arnarb.harvard.edu Website |
Paul Wilson Professor, Biology California State University, Northridge paul.wilson@csun.edu Website |
Richard Winkworth Honorary Research Associate, Institute of Fundamental Sciences Massey University (New Zealand) rwinkworth@gmail.com Website |
Daming Zhang Chinese Academy of Sciences zhangdm@ns.ibcas.ac.cn Website |